KTE ART 243 Parts Glider Package

Regular price $223.00
KTE ART 243 Parts Glider
Weight: 22 lbs

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Paint your parts and slide them out of the way inside your spray booth

<ul><li>2 Powder-Coated 7' Steel Rail</li><li>1 Powder-Coated 10.5' Cross Beam</li><li>4 Mounting Plates*</li><li>2 Steel Powder Coated 4 Wheel Gliders</li><li>4 Hooks and 2x 6' Chains</li><li>Holds up to 75 lbs. of parts</li></ul><p>Additional cross beams available for hanging even more parts<br /><br />* Mounting Plates - will call upon order to select</p><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; A - Flat Ceiling<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; B - Extended Ceiling<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; C - Wall<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; D - Wall / 45 degrees</p><ul></ul>

Killer Tools and Equipment